A medical procedure that uses an intense, pulsating beam of light to remove unwanted hair is what is commonly referred to as laser hair removal. This beam of light is known as laser which passes through the skin to reach individual hair follicles. The intense heat produced by the laser is expected to prevent hair regrowth by directly damaging the hair follicle. The usual target areas for removal of unwanted hair are the legs, upper lip, bikini line, chin, and the armpit. The highest … Read more»
Hunting for a new cell phone!
Last December, I’ve been hunting for a new cell phone since I lost my old and ruined cell phone a month ago. Of course I did not lose it on purpose just to get a new one, I really misplaced it (do I sound guilty?). I am not a techie and a gadget person that is why I am not familiar with what are IN and what are OUT nowadays especially when it’s about cell phone. I can live without a cell phone but not without my lappy and internet. But, of course getting one is necessary especially during … Read more»